Delicious Gluten Free Vegan Snacks for Every Occasion 

If you’re a vegan, chances are you know how hard it can be to find delicious snacks that fit into your diet. It’s even harder when you’re gluten free! But don’t worry, there are plenty of tasty options out there to choose from. Let’s take a look at some of the best gluten free vegan snacks that will keep you satisfied throughout the day


Smoothies can be a great snack option if you’re looking for something quick and easy to make. All you need is some frozen fruit, almond milk, and your favorite vegan protein powder (or just nuts or seeds). If you don’t have time to make one right away, no worries – just put everything in a blender bottle and freeze it until you want it. Just add almond milk when you’re ready to drink it! 

Homemade Popcorn 

Popcorn is a classic snack food, but store-bought versions often contain unhealthy additives like butter and artificial flavoring. To avoid these unhealthy ingredients, try making your own popcorn with coconut oil and sea salt instead. You can also get creative with your seasonings – try adding nutritional yeast, garlic powder, paprika, onion powder or cayenne pepper for extra flavor! 

Chia Seed Pudding 

Chia seed pudding is a great way to get protein without eating animal products. All you need is chia seeds (which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids), coconut milk (or other non-dairy milk) and any sweetener of your choice such as dates or maple syrup. Mix all the ingredients together in a jar and let it sit overnight – in the morning it will be thick and creamy! Add toppings such as fresh fruit or granola for extra crunch 

There are plenty of delicious gluten free vegan snacks out there – all it takes is a little bit of creativity! Smoothies are quick and easy to make while homemade popcorn allows you to customize the flavors according to your taste buds. Chia seed pudding is another great option if you want something high in protein without using animal products. And remember - no matter what type of snack you choose, always have fun with it! The most important thing is that all vegans have access to delicious snacks they can enjoy guilt-free. So get creative and start snacking today!

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